Convention Badges

Convention Badges


My badge designs are simple, here’s a list of what you can choose to have on a badge:

  • A full body image of your character
  • Choice of clothing (will charge extra for variations)
  • Your name in big, colourful letters
  • Choice of colour scheme or badge theme
  • Twitter handle (Optional)
  • Pronouns (Optional)

Badges are for completion within a month, if I am posting a physical badge please allow up to 30 days for international arrival. I send badges via standard untracked post, but you can pay extra if you want tracking.

Badge commissions are currently OPEN!

All badges come with a patterned, fractal background like the examples on this page, if you want a badge with a background please commission a full art piece instead.

    Your name

    Your Paypal email

    Where should I contact you?

    Badge information:

    Please provide information on the pose and clothing for your character here.

    Your Reference images

    Complete the captcha

    What is 1 + 6?

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