How do I order a commission?

The easiest way is to contact me either on my Twitter, or FurAffinity. Just let me know the type of commission you’re interested in and I will send you a form for the details I need. You can also use the contact form on this site, but replies may take longer.

What are your queue times like?

I aim to complete all commissions within a month of payment being received, two months for large, detailed group images. Typically my queue hangs around the 2-3 weeks wait mark. If it starts creeping up to a month I close commissions while I catch up.

Can I pay for a rush slot?

No, I don’t offer rush slots. If you are buying art with a deadline in mind speak to me beforehand and I will let you know if I can set a shorter due date on it based on my workload and what the commission is.

Can I order a private commission?

Sure! I’m fine with private commissions, if you want to explore a theme without me uploading it to my platforms just let me know, I’m happy to help.

Can I order a cheaper piece of art, such as a sketch?

No, sorry I know my art is at a higher entry point than some other artists but it’s because I want to always provide what I consider to be finished pieces of work. My prices are typically higher because everything includes a fully rendered background.

The best way to get cheaper art from me is being a member of my Ko-fi membership.

Can I send you a NSFW reference image?

Sure! I’m not bothered by this providing the characters are adults in the reference.

Can I re-post your art?

Yeah! I’m happy with that, and would appreciate if you tag @albyrabbit on Twitter, or Albybunny on FA, you don’t need to do both, just whatever seems relevant!

Can I edit your art?

No, I’d rather you ask me to fix any issues you have with it!

Can I use your art for profit?

No, unless agreed previously. I sell my art at a personal rate. If you want to sell it as stickers, designs or anything that classes as commercial use I would be charging at a higher rate for this. For commercial quotes please contact me otherwise do not use my art for profit, thank you!

Can I get your Telegram handle?

No, granted it’s not hard to find, unless I know you personally I’d rather you chatted to me on other platforms because my Telegram is super busy as it is.

Do you RP, or need a caregiver/little?

Don’t RP with me please, talk to me like I’m a regular person you’re buying stuff from, nothing annoys me more than feeling like you don’t think I’m human. I’m also not interested in a little or caregiver, thanks!

Can I get an update or WIP on my outstanding commission?

This depends! If you have commissioned a YCH, then I do not do WIPs, the sketch is the WIP of the piece. I don’t have time to send lines and different stages on art that I make in batches, like YCHs.

For other commission types, I usually provide a WIP of the sketch, and with approval I then line and colour. You’re welcome to request more WIPs at different stages for this commission type.

For updates, my Trello is the best way to see where you are in the queue. If you are at the top of any of the lists, your art is likely due within a few days.

I absolutely hate being chased daily, or people making small talk to me when they have an outstanding commission, then never speaking to me when they don’t. If you want an update on your art you’re welcome to ask, but if I tell you ‘two weeks’ do not chase up three days later. However if your art is nearing the three week or above mark and I haven’t updated you myself do get in touch to check!

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